Star Trek TNG: S1 – Arsenal of Freedom
The Enterprise tracks some missing Federation crew down to Target Practice Planet. Crusher breaks a leg, Geordi takes control, and Picard has to sit through a presentation about a timeshare.

Memory Hole:
The underutilization of Troi creeps in. She gives meaningful looks for like 10 minutes before she has a line. Some episodes she’s mysteriously “away at a conference”. She must have an awesome lanyard collection to go with her scarves.

The Quote:
What’s the armament on the Lollipop?
Don’t fuck with the Candyland Crew.
Fiancé’s Favorite Moment:
The cavern sequence with Picard and Crusher. Some of the best acting in the series so far.

Fiancé’s Verdict:
Some good life lessons for being a good person/leader.
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